10 - What are the procedures that I have to do if I put my website on line ?
From the law of August, 1 of 2000 ( art.2), it isn’t necessary to make a previous declaration in front of the Republic attorney nor even the CSA. However, it is still obligatory to make the declaration of your card index to the CNIL, if your website takes nominal information from your visitors.
This law, nevertheless, put in charge of the site editor, another obligations, like to put to the public disposal, his name and address, if it is in relation to a physical person, its denomination and its social address if it is about a legal person just as the name of the publisher editor. The editor must also point out the firm name and the host’s address.
By exception, physical or legal people, that publish with no professional character (pages, person), can have their anonymity by no point out more than the name, the denomination and their host address provided that this last one have received previously the identification from the website editor.