The swindles editions, second chapter. The last paper mail dated the last week : received a mail from a German society (Hamburg) pretending to be nothing less than the French Internet Registry and it used a logotype that, in a strange way, remembered you the one of France Telecom.
We have to remember that the word French registry is kept to AFNIC, the French association in charge of the .fr extension. This name cheats, partly now, the people majority that are in relation with the French extension.
After the swindle of a Swiss society some years ago, in relation with the publishing on its base about the trade marks and published by INPI, this time, domain names are the ones introduced.
This German society proposes, in a light way, to pick up the information that makes part of the domain name in a base you can consult on line over the site
This unknown site registered by a certain DAD Deutscher Adressdienst GmbH, whose owner gave us its address the DOKUMENTA Aktiengesellschaft sociey in Hamburg, giving different and confused Internet services, proposes nothing less than 858 euros per year and for a minimum of 3 years the reference of domain names associating it to 3 key words.
It is useless to say that even the most popular searching engines in the world don’t start doing these rates, but they have a focusing enough clearer in relation with the commercialization.
This domain name was registered 4 months ago and it seems to reproduce in every aspects these common swindles that cheat the lambda user to give him a plus value in the fact of his indexation into the site.
Of course, you can think this kind of service has the right to be, but there, where you can see the weak point, it is that the naming, the visual identity, the mail shape just as the way these mails are written, let you believe these is an official organism and the domain name owner we mention has all rights to make this statements.
Remember the swindle that reproduced, into a mail post, the almost exact shape of the taxes papers that asked for the payment of these or that amount of money to cover fines or back taxes.
You can consult this document >pushing here.<
We want to inform you about this kind of management and tell you that from the point of view of our lawyers and experts, this hooking is strictly financial and it only tries to cheat the final user.