Even, according with the rumor, the association of French and Spanish registries in the EUREG consortium wouldn’t have permitted that they obtain the .eu management ; this seems to be an advantage for dominion name users in these countries. We need to congratulate because we can see that the ESNIC follows the AFNIC steps (see our previous editions), and give the announcement of a bigger opening on its dominion name space. So then, under the new plan of naming, in force on March 26th the physical people with Spanish nationality or addressed in Spain can, from now, register their family name like dominion name. For this, they only have to present its identity card as a justifying. The inscription in .es is more flexible for companies because they can use not only their firm name but abbreviations, symbols and marks, too. But the real novelty is the sub-category appearance in the .es : .com.es, .org.es and .nom.es open for every one, since they will reserve the .gob.es (government in Spanish) and he .edu.es (education). Thee sub-categories are accessible without the need of checking and the inscription is less expensive that in the .es. Each one can choose between nom, com, and org. The problems are, in fact, the registry terms. Until April, 15, the sub-categories will reserve the title entities of an .es. Then the Public Spanish Administrations will have 20 days to be benefited- until May 4th- before the opening of a new period with the same life for the registering mark or notorious mark owners in Spain. This is the reason that in the beginning of June, the sub-categories will be completely accessible for every one. We have to take into account, finally, that the Registry made use of this announcement. It declared that the name owners who has to become into Spanish with an ASCII character- the ñ is substituted by n, for example- they will have the priority of being helped of the IDNs (see the previous) when they be available.