Sunrise on the IDNs for .ES 21-September-2007], registry for .ES, is planning a Sunrise period from October 2, 2007 6:00am to October 30, 2007 6:00pm for the [IDNs (Internationalized domain names).
This Sunrise period pertains to .ES name holders who registered their names before June 1, 2007 and who would like to reserve the equivalent of those names with alphabetical letters proper to Spanish and other Spanish regional languages.
This decision was made to reduce possible cybersquatting following these character changes.
For double requests, the registry imposes an order of priority :
Spanish Legal and Governmental institutions
Brand, trade names owners, Companies and a person’s or family’s name
Persons who have already registered a .ES
En cas d’égalité, le Registre effectuera un tirage au sort auprès de la loterie Nationale pour départager les demandeurs.
In the case of a tie, the Registry will designate by random drawing which of the applicants gets the name. Domain Names will be gradually activated as the Registry treats the requests, starting with the following vowels :
á : Lowercase A with acute accent to replace "a" à : Lowercase A with grave accent to replace "a" é : Lowercase E with acute accent to replace "e" è : Lowercase E with grave accent to replace "e" í : Lowercase I with acute accent to replace "i" ï : Lowercase I with dieresis to replace "i". ó : Lowercase O with acute accent to replace "o". ò : Lowercase O with grave accent to replace "o". ú : Lowercase U with acute accent to replace "u". ü : Lowercase U with dieresis to replace "u"
Secondly, will come the consonants :
ñ : Lowercase N with tilde to replace n, nh, ni, nn, ny, gn. ç : Lowercase C with cedilla to replace c or s. ll : Spanish Double "I.I" to replace l or any combination of ll.
The Registry, who is assigned by the Spanish Government, has not announced the date of the opening of ISNs to the general public yet. There are now 630.000 .ES registered domain names, which represents seven times more than in 2004 and twice as much as at the beginning of 2006.
Our sponsor,, is of course authorized to register .ES Internationalized Domain names during this Sunrise period.
Hélène de Brettes Pour /