The second meeting of Internet Governance Forum set up by UN in Rio November 12-15th 2007 was (of course) attended by ICANN.
Originally, this forum was aimed to promote dialog between several world internet partners and set up “recommendations” towards international communities.
“The Internet Governance Forum brings together a diverse group of individuals in the aim of sharing knowledge and experience over and about this one global interoperable Internet (…)ICANN, like other Internet organizations, is committed to the multistakeholder and open way of doing business where anyone, anyone, from governments, the technical community, business and civil society can participate freely, either in person or virtually”, said Dr Paul Twoney. He thanked UNESCO for their support and assistance “in helping to produce a joint workshop with ICANN this week that will review how international cooperation can be used to establish standards for a multilingual, global, and interoperable Internet, the inevitable next step for this extraordinary medium”.
During this meeting, ICANN had two main significant agreements with international bodies
global cooperation with UNESCO in order to build up multlingual cyberspace ;
a memorandum of understanding with African Telecommunication Union aiming to increase the knowledge and improve the understanding of Internet Governance topics with regulators and the african rules initiators.
ICANN openness is implemented through its email address Don’t hesitate to contact them in order to know better this Internet Regulating Body as the new president underlined it
Hélène de Brettes By