]For the first time, a website [UN-DON.FR devoted to fight against AIDS opened through a joint action of AFNIC, .FR Register and Registrar Council Domain.fr.
For the launch of this special website, Registry and its Registrar are supporting and promoting Sidaction through website UN-DON.FR during the 28-30 March week end.
Several associations implicate in this action are involved in this website on which they are introducing their activity.
Through UN-DON.FR websurfers will be allowed to gift Sidaction association with on-line document.
The goal is public opinion sensitizing in order to mobilize public opinion and collect fundings throught internet.
Overhaul collected money during 2008 Sidaction should allow Sidaction to carry on its commitments sharing out its funds as 50% for research, and 50% in various programs or prevention and help to patients in France and 29 développing countries as well.
Each year France is wholly mobilized for Sidaction in order to collect charity fundings.
For 2008, AFNIC, Domaine.fr and their partners will take part to this charity action.
Odds are that UN-DON.FR will be a big success thank to internet users ‘s solidarity spirit.
You’ll be bound up visiting www.un-don.fr.
Hélène de Brettes Pour Domaine.info