WHOIS, the service that guarantees that a domain name is available or it is already registered, is fed on the whole “ personal datum” protected under a legislation group. The European Registries- like the AFNIC- for example are forced to adjust themselves to the 1978 law and to the European managing from 1995.In Canada, the legislation is called “Law about the protection of personal information and electronic documents” and the Canadian Registry opened a consulting period in order to put forward a modification that raise the protection level of Registrants pointing out only their family names into the Whois results, without naming telephone numbers and addresses. The last thing is left is to evaluate the impact of this decision over the net security according as the Whois first function that it is to be in touch, as soon as it can, with the domain name owners. It will be very difficult with an only one family name ! Canadian people are invited, in any case, to pronounce themselves until January 12.
See http://www.cira.ca/fr/Whois/whois_privacy-policy.html