The DomaiNews frequent ones know the codes used for designating ccTLDs come from a standardized list for ISO, the famous 3166-1 (see DomaiNews nº12). They will be very funny when they know this list has, from now, another line, with .AX for Alan Islands, called “islands of peace”. 25.000 citizens live in this demilitarized area, which official language is Swedish. They are more than 6.500 islands and 6.500 small barren islands. They don’t have more than 3.000 m2. Then, after Tuvalu Islands (.TV) and Coco (.CC), .AX. Will Aland become famous into Internet ? By the moment, ICANN doesn’t recognize it, but, in theory, it would be enough if an Island representative sends its petition and it would be part of IANA base. Then you can go on !
See 02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html